It’s 2020, a new decade and how times are changing, and you’re most likely viewing this article on your mobile or tablet.
Today, we’re all connected, thanks to this global digitally economy that we now live in. With advancements in technology and the internet of things (IOT) we as human beings act totally different to how we did a decade ago.
We can now order a pizza, a taxi and tickets to the cinema all from our phones within minutes using just our fingertips.
And, the way we behave, think, interact and communicate has changed as a result.
This has had a huge impact on the modern buyer and the buyer’s journey.
The modern buyer now has access to so much information and they are hungry for more.
I remember when I first started training at the gym. There was no YouTube or Instagram then. To learn about diet, training methods and mindset I could either seek advice at the gym from the owner, members and the PT, or I could buy books or magazines.

I opted for books.
Today I could easily access this information in video and audio formats, and I can even watch an exercise and then perform it to perfection whilst I’m in the gym. Today, we can access information when we want, in the format we want, on the channels we prefer, all at our convenience.
As of 2019, there were 3.48 billion active social media users worldwide, presenting a huge opportunity for sales professionals (Data Reportal).
As I’ve highlighted, buyers are now actively seeking information online and it’s important that you are visible in and around their ecosystems.
Not to mention that 57% of purchase decisions complete before a customer has even called a supplier (CEB), plus, 67% of the buyer’s journey is now done digitally (SiriusDecisions).
And let’s be honest, most of the modern sales cycle is written content.
So, what does this mean?
It’s time to get writing.
But before you say you can’t write, take a step back and consider what you write every day – from emails, texts, and slack messages to WhatsApp exchanges, adverts, proposals and LinkedIn messages.
Marketing can and should help, but in the first instance it’s the insight that’s important. You need ‘clear writing’ which is a sign of clear thinking. It’s about communicating clearly and making things easy for your audience to understand.
- So, what do you write about? Well ask yourself the following...
- What are the problems your customers have?
- What are the common pain points and challenges you see people face who you deal and interact with regularly?
- What are the solutions to these problems?
- Are they costly?
- What are the benefits for their business?
- What are the benefits for specific personnel?
- How long do they take to implement?
- Who is involved in the process?
- What are key influencers in the industry talking about? Do you agree?
To make your writing work, you must engage with your audience on their terms. In return, this positions you as an expert in a particular topic, and someone who is authentic and trustworthy. Naturally your audience will be more likely to show interest in you and see you as the go to person for that specific problem or challenge they may be facing.
Plus, it’s your content. I’m a marketer and I can write (well I hope so) but my content will lack depth if I lack the experience on my subject matter. If I had the insight and hands on experience, I can distill that in my content which in return leaves you with an authentic and rich piece of original content.
Less ‘top 10 ten tips’ and more specific and original content.
Remember, people ‘switch off’ from overt marketing and don’t like the feeling of being sold to, so aim to educate and entertain your audience.

So, what should you take away from my article?
Sales professionals should be writing if they want to close a deal, and if you can’t write, get the support of a marketing professional but give them your insight. Conduct a brainstorming session, record sound bites, keep a journal, and capture your insight and transfer it to words.
After all, content is king!
If you would like to find out more please email me at [email protected]. Alternatively, call a member of the team on 01926 422002 to discuss.